entretien du cuir guide
Leather is a living and organic material, it is susceptible to damage and discoloration over time. If the skin is not properly clean and protected, the sebum and acids that naturally come into contact with the skin can cause cracking, flaking or discoloration of the leather. But with proper and regular leather maintenance , the lifespan of leather can be infinite.

In this guide, discover the different ways to care for leather: protect, nourish, clean and repair leather .

Protect the leather

Leather can be exposed to the vagaries of the climate: sun rays, rain, heat... These conditions can alter the coloring but also the overall appearance of your leather.

To prevent your leather from getting damaged over time, you need to waterproof it! This will make your creation waterproof and therefore protect it from various dirty liquids.

With which leathers should I use a waterproofing agent?

Types of leather Waterproofing
Vegetable tanned leather Yes
Velvet leather Yes
Nubuck leather Yes
Patent leather Not necessary
Other leather Yes

To waterproof leather that has already been used or worn, we advise you to clean it first with glycerin soap.

France 🔵⚪🔴
Imperméabilisant ss solvants 50 ml-1x600.jpgImperméabilisant ss solvants 150 ml-1x600.jpg
Sale price6,54 €
  • CAPACITY: 50ml 150ml 250ml 500ml
France 🔵⚪🔴
France 🔵⚪🔴

waterproof leather

Nourish the leather

Is your leather dried out, dehydrated and damaged? You have to feed him!

You can use leather balm, leather grease, neatsfoot oil or nourishing milk. This will soften, moisturize and revive the shine of your leather.

Use Product

After finishing the leather creation or when the leather is well dehydrated.

Use a grease or oil to deeply nourish your leather and thus protect it for future use.

Daily (approximately once a month depending on the use of the leather item). Use a nourishing cream or milk to nourish and polish your leather. This will allow it to maintain its shine over time. Apply the product with a clean cloth or chamois cloth.

Fat, oil and cream
France 🔵⚪🔴
Graisse panda blonde 250 ml -1x600.jpgGraisse Panda blonde 250 ml ouverte v2x600.jpg
Sale price3,88 €
  • TINT: Blond Brown Black
  • CAPACITY: 60ml 100ml 250ml 500ml 1L
France 🔵⚪🔴
Sale price3,90 €
  • CAPACITY: 60ml 250ml 1 litre
France 🔵⚪🔴
Sale price11,42 €
  • CAPACITY: 150ml 500ml 1L
France 🔵⚪🔴
TR-CREM-020-creme-cuir-zoom.jpgCream to nourish and shine the leather
Sale price3,70 €
  • CAPACITY: 20ml 50ml 100ml 300ml 500ml
France 🔵⚪🔴
Lait nourrissant 50 mlx600.jpgNourishing milk for leather
Sale price4,40 €
  • CAPACITY: 50ml 150ml 250ml 300ml 500ml

nourish the leather

Clean the leather

It is important to clean your leather regularly: before working on it, before applying a dye, before applying a maintenance product or even daily...

Glycerin soap is the most used leather cleaner. It exists in several forms: liquid or solid.

How to apply it?

  • Put the liquid or solid glycerin soap on a damp sponge
  • Rub the leather gently with the sponge
  • Remove residue with a second clean damp sponge
  • Polish with a soft, clean cloth
  • Let dry and apply a nourishing cream or milk

Leather cleaner
France 🔵⚪🔴
Savon glycériné liquide -DECO CUIR - 60 mlx1200.jpgSavon glycériné liquide pour entretien du cuir - Deco Cuir - 250 ml
Sale price3,50 €
  • CAPACITY: 60ml 250ml 1 litre
France 🔵⚪🔴
Sale price6,18 €
  • CAPACITY: 100ml 300ml 500ml 1L 2.5 L
France 🔵⚪🔴
Eponge grattante 2x600.jpgSponge with scraper
Sale price2,74 €

Please note, glycerin soap is not recommended on velvet or nubuck type leathers . Use a soft brush regularly and a special foaming cleaner for velvet finishes in case of heavy dirt.

Velvet leather cleaner
TL_21967_02 - Nettoyant moussant pour daim - 150 mlx600.jpg
Sale price5,38 €
Gomme pour DAIM ou VELOURSx600.jpg
Sale price4,36 €

Repair the leather

It is difficult to repair very damaged leather, but there are some tips for bringing worn leather back to life.

You can recolor your leather with Juvacuir recolorant from the Saphir brand. It allows you to repigment, renovate and embellish leathers of similar shades.

How to apply it?

  • Clean your leather before application
  • Apply the recolorant with a damp cloth using small circular movements.
  • Let dry for 15 to 20 minutes
  • Polish with a clean, dry cloth


There are also leather stain removers for certain stains: grease, ballpoint pen, oil, grease, etc.

Recolorant and stain remover
France 🔵⚪🔴
France 🔵⚪🔴
France 🔵⚪🔴
France 🔵⚪🔴

Our boxes for the care of your leathers!

Find all our complete leather care boxes/kits. To offer or to treat yourself.


France 🔵⚪🔴
Kit com 1v2x600.jpgCoffret entretien cuir kit survie v2x600.jpg
France 🔵⚪🔴
Coffret motard grd modèle - 1 v3 (4)x600.jpgCoffret motard 13 v2x600.jpg
France 🔵⚪🔴
Coffret d'entretien ameublement petit modèle v2x600.jpgCare kit for upholstery leather and upholstery n° 1
France 🔵⚪🔴
Coffret soin cuir Mt D'or - 1 v2x600.jpgCoffret en bois pour l'entretien du cuir - Deco Cuir
Sale price27,92 €
France 🔵⚪🔴
Boite à cirer ouverte v2x600.jpgBoite à cirer v2x600.jpg
Sale price13,26 €

Video: how to clean a leather sofa?

Do you want to clean your sofa? Don’t hesitate to check out our video:




Bonjour Annie,

Nous vous conseillons d’appliquer le recolorant pour cuir : https://www.decocuir.com/products/recolorant-pour-cuir-juvacuir-75-ml-saphir-cognac?variant=40659240255542
Il faut bien nettoyer le canapé avec du savon glycériné avant d’appliquer le produit. Voici des explications sur le nettoyage de canapé : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyUkE6dzgiU
De plus, pensez à bien nourrir votre canapé régulièrement avec un lait ou une crème nourrissante : https://www.decocuir.com/collections/cremes-et-laits-nourrissants

Bonne journée, l’équipe Deco Cuir

ancel annie

J’ai un canapé noir qui commence à perdre ses couleurs , comment le raviver?
Merci d’avance

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